I live to eat =)
Lets go starbucks.
Prefects camp..Where shud I begin..Lets see. It all started 1 day when we were told that it was "wajib" to go to the camp if we really wanna be prefects.So, the day came,we got on the bus and headed what I didnt know is actually a police or army camp. HELP!! It was 10 times worse then my previous camps. Thank gudness it was only 2 days!! Can u imagine being trained like police when we have absolutely nothing to do with it..Somehow, I just dont c how it can make us better prefects...We had to walk at least 1 km ++ from the ceramah hall to the field, from the dorms to the ceramah hall and more..Imagine walkin like that under the hot sun..Every1 already stinked even before the afternoon. But the worse thing was..they woudlnt let us shower until all the activities were over..I mean by the time we walked all the way back to our dorms, it was past midnight..OMG!! N d dorms didnt have fans, no bedsheets or pillow cases, the toilet was full of rat shit, there were Jun Hoh's ear piercing singing n laughter( It just so happen that my room was DIRECTLY above the Form 6 boys' room).. I only had 2 hours of sleep that night..The next day, all of us had to get up at 5... sad..Then there was the morning exercise(I must say that that was kinda fun eventhough it was really stupid), n breakfast which I took only a few cucumbers as the nasi lemak looked so unappetizing, more talks and finally our group photo's. 1 more thing..they finally returned us our phones..I wish I didnt give it 2 them when they asked for it..After being tortured there for 2 days, we were finally freed. Oh oh..Here's a pic of my zone though some of the members are missing...
That guy in d middle in d front row is d weirdhairnomatterhowhecutsit Ketua zone>>>Wei Shen!!! Whispers.. 8:34 AM